Youth Matters #2 – Orhun Ertürkmen

At Youth Matters #2 on Friday, 30th of December, we hosted Orhun Ertürkmen, Youth Policies Coordinator and Member of the General Administrative Board of İyi Parti (the Good Party). What Happened? At the event held in Cezayir-Istanbul, Orhun Ertürkmen first answered the questions of the moderator Beril Eski and then addressed the questions of the […]

Problems of Youth in Turkey Towards 2023 and Policy Recommendations

“Youth, youth issues and the voicing of demands for youth issues have become an increasingly dominant phenomenon in Turkey in recent years. In the last decade, the problems of youth have had an increasing impact and appearance on Turkey’s social, economic and especially political agenda. Naturally, there are socio-economic and political reasons for this. When […]

Youth Matters #1 – Mustafa Gözel

At Youth Matters #1, we hosted Mustafa Gözel, Vice President of the Future Party in charge of Youth Policies. The young people who attended the event at Impact Hub Istanbul asked many questions ranging from the KPSS scandal to Jamia dormitories, from the pride parade to the Victory Party, from the 7th of June process […]

Table of Six Meetings and Youth Policies

The heads of the six parties, known as the Table of Six, come together at certain times to discuss the policies they will pursue. They have held six meetings so far and published five joint statements. The Arayuz Campaign team searched for answers to the questions of how much the Table of Six puts youth […]

What is Representation?

What is representation? What are the advantages of representation? Why should we demand our right of representation? We talk about representation quite often and say that we wish to be represented. Yet what do we mean by representation? Representation is one of the most valuable instruments for participation in decision-making processes. In cases where it […]

We Want to Take Part in Decision-Making

As young people, we want to have more say and be at the decision-making tables. We know that representation is a problem and we believe that this problem must be overcome. But what do we understand by decision tables? How can we have a say? What happens when we don’t have a seat at the […]

Erasmus and Grant Issue

The Erasmus Student mobility 2021-2022 started last September. Students from many universities in Turkey have already traveled to Europe to study or do internships in various European countries. However, they encountered a situation they did not expect. For those who are not familiar with the situation, Erasmus is a student exchange program funded by the […]

What is the purchasing power of the student?

Every day we deal with many problems and struggle for life. But it would not be wrong to say that the issue that is most on our agenda is the changing purchasing power due to inflation. Because despite all our work and efforts, our purchasing power is constantly decreasing and we are becoming poorer. Of […]

We Want to be Represented

The best part of democracies is that people are represented in the administration. By being represented or being represented, we can solve our problems, have a say in our future and voice our opinions about the changes to be made in the environment we live in. With these, we can influence not only verbal interventions […]

November 2022 – December 2023 Strategic Plan

As the Arayuz Campaign, we have been contributing to the struggle of young people to become subjects since May 19, 2020. In this process, we have been in a continuous transformation and development in order to make our campaign more effective. Considering the scope of our work and the experience of the Arayuz Campaign, we […]

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