Third Arayuz Youth Summit Concluded
The third Arayüz Youth Summit, which has become a tradition, took place on Wednesday, May 3rd. This year, we focused on the 2023 General Elections. Accordingly, we held Round Table meetings with young parliamentary candidates during the nomination process before the Summit. During the meetings, we listened to young parliamentary candidates about the dynamics within the party, the difficulties they faced and their experiences. We then explored the themes of how we can transfer these experiences, how we can overcome the difficulties, and how we can be in solidarity as young people. As a result of the data we obtained from the Round Table Meetings, we came up with Youth Participation in Politics in Türkiye: Obstacles and Experiences (link) report. In line with these findings, the 3rd Arayüz Youth Summit consisted of two parts.

In the first part, our Director Nevzat Taşcı shared the data of the report with the participants. In the second part, a discussion session was held with a young member of parliament, a civil society volunteer and an academic. In the session, youth representation regarding the 2023 elections was discussed in the light of the data of the report. Orhun Ertürkmen (MP Candidate of İYİP), İrem Yener (SPoD) and Demet Lüküslü (Academician) participated as speakers and the session was moderated by İklim Emirler, a young journalist.
Watch the full video of the 3rd Arayuz Youth Summit on the Arayuz Campaign Youtube channel!