November 2022 – December 2023 Strategic Plan

As the Arayuz Campaign, we have been contributing to the struggle of young people to become subjects since May 19, 2020. In this process, we have been in a continuous transformation and development in order to make our campaign more effective. Considering the scope of our work and the experience of the Arayuz Campaign, we are developing our institutional capacity to take our campaign and activities one step further. During and after the strategic planning retreat we organized with expert support in September, we prepared our strategy that sets our goals until December 2023. With this strategic plan, we aim to carry out more comprehensive and effective activities in the coming period. By sharing this strategy, we remind young people, youth organizations and the organizations we cooperate with about our campaign and our goals. We would like to underline that we are open to cooperation for our common goals and plans in the coming period.

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