
On the Lack of Youth Representation

In the sociology of youth, which is accepted as a sub-heading of sociology, youth is interpreted as a period that changes and develops culturally and historically, taking into account the biological aspect of the individual, as well as a period of social continuity. According to data compiled from the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) and the […]

Determination of KYK Loan/Scholarship Support

Many university students in our country need more than the allowance they receive from their families to meet their needs. In this regard, there are various options that students can apply for, and they can benefit from state support and foundation scholarships. As it is known, the most popular option is the scholarship/loan provided by […]

Support for Bosphorus University Resistance

We were at Boğaziçi University today to protest against the trustee rector appointed to Boğaziçi University. Students and student communities from different universities participated in the protest and demanded that in order for universities to be free, rectors should come through democratic elections, not appointments. With the Presidential decree dated January 1, 2021, rectors were […]

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