National Assembly in January: Youth Issues Factsheet

This information note summarizes the key youth-related discussions, speeches, and significant data in the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) during January, based on published parliamentary transcripts. Through this regular series, we aim to track how youth issues are positioned in TBMM and reflect the perspectives of Members of Parliament (MPs) on youth-related matters.

For this month’s report, it is essential to highlight that discussions on the Justice Academy Law, the Social Security and General Health Insurance Law, and the Academy Entrance Exam have shaped the framework in which youth issues were addressed in Parliament. In January, youth-related discussions primarily revolved around new legislative proposals and debates on education policies and examination systems.

Key Themes

Lack of Meritocracy in Appointments and Recruitment Processes: The lack of transparency in recruitment and career advancement processes for young people was mentioned 17 times in Parliament. MPs emphasized that these unfair processes demoralize young people, diminish their expectations for the future, and cause economic hardship. Opposition MPs argued that the Academy Entrance Exam (a prerequisite for teacher appointments) and the Justice Academy would not solve these problems but rather worsen the situation.

Party-based mentions of this issue:

  • CHP: 5 times
  • İYİ Party: 5 times
  • DEM Party: 2 times
  • Future Party: 2 times
  • Felicity Party (Saadet): 2 times
  • DEVA Party: 1 time

Additionally, opposition MPs frequently brought up issues such as female youth fatalities and youth poverty/unemployment.

On the other hand, MPs from the ruling AKP, MHP, and HÜDAPAR spoke about the negative effects of social media and the LGBT+ movement on youth. Furthermore, MHP MPs praised the collaboration between the Ministry of National Education and Ülkü Ocakları (an ultranationalist youth organization) twice.

Legislation Criticisms and Support

Justice Academy Law: Opposition MPs criticized this law, arguing that it would increase nepotism in the legal field. During these debates, they also referenced the suicide of lawyer Mert Akdoğan and the circumstances that led to his tragic decision. This law was criticized:

  • 4 times by CHP
  • 4 times by İYİ Party
  • Once each by DEVA, DEM Party, and Felicity (Saadet) Party

Academy Entrance Exam: Opposition MPs argued that this new exam would further complicate the recruitment and interview process for teachers. It was criticized:

  • 2 times by DEM Party
  • Once by Future Party

Social Security and General Health Insurance Law: MPs from AKP and MHP supported this law, claiming that it would address the financial difficulties faced by young people receiving orphan pensions and serve as an anti-poverty measure.

Notable Data

Youth-related topics were discussed 47 times in TBMM throughout January.

Party-based breakdown of youth-related discussions:

  • CHP: 14 times
  • İYİ Party: 9 times
  • DEM Party: 7 times
  • MHP: 6 times
  • Felicity (Saadet) Party: 5 times
  • DEVA and Future Party: 2 times each
  • AKP and HÜDAPAR: 1 time each

MPs who spoke the most on youth issues (2 speeches each):

  • Burak Akburak (İYİ Party)
  • Ali Karaoba (CHP)
  • Filiz Kılıç (MHP)
  • Gülcan Kaçmaz Sayyiğit (DEM Party)


In January, discussions in TBMM about youth were primarily focused on new legislation. Among the major issues, lack of meritocracy in public sector recruitment emerged as the most frequently mentioned concern. Due to the Academy Entrance Exam and Justice Academy being on the agenda, discussions were heavily centered on employment processes in the fields of education and law.

As Arayüz Campaign, we will continue to analyze legislative changes and new processes in terms of their impact on youth in our future studies.

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