Problems of Youth in Turkey Towards 2023 and Policy Recommendations

“Youth, youth issues and the voicing of demands for youth issues have become an increasingly dominant phenomenon in Turkey in recent years. In the last decade, the problems of youth have had an increasing impact and appearance on Turkey’s social, economic and especially political agenda. Naturally, there are socio-economic and political reasons for this. When we look at the social reasons, one of the main reasons is that the educated youth population in Turkey has been increasing since 1980. The increase in the number of university students and university graduates in Turkey has raised the expectations of young people, and the necessity and outlook for a life in line with these expectations has become stronger.

The kinds of skills and cultural/social capital acquired in education naturally resulted in young people wanting to implement them. As long as Turkey’s political system and regime relations and the economic climate shaped by these two are in harmony with the expectations and actions of young people, or as long as they do not disturb each other too much, youth has remained an academic topic in the social sciences as a technical issue rather than a political problem.”

To read the full policy note:

2023’e Doğru Türkiye’de Gençliğin Sorunları ve Politika Önerileri (2022)
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